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Monday, December 24, 2018

Methods of Torture and Worse by the Inquisition or Gentile Powers

Dying to a bullet is one thing. The catch is the Inquisition or even other Gentile powers rarely ever lets someone die quick. They tend to drag things out like a pervert. So, what exactly is in store for the Saints who decide “not to adhere” to advance warning to run” and get caught in ground zero or no man’s land when the Mark of the Beast (+) is enforced?

According to a Short Excerpt from Wikipedia this is a somewhat incomplete list. For those who have been in the military and have been through SERE, as a former NCO and fellow veteran I will tell you, it does not compare to this at all. Most of the time as a POW you will be kept alive and not tortured too terribly if you are valuable. As a Nazarene feeling the Mark of the Beast you are literally just game or livestock to these people.

The most generic techniques are
  • ·         Blinding with light
  • ·         Boiling
  • ·         Bone breaking
  • ·         Branding
  • ·         Castor oil
  • ·         Castration
  • ·         Chinese water torture
  • ·         Garotte/Strangling
  • ·         Cold cell torture
  • ·         Combing
  • ·         Crushing
  • ·         Cutting
  • ·         Dehydration
  • ·         Denailing
  • ·         Disfigurement
  • ·         Drowning
  • ·         Dunking
  • ·         Flagellation
  • ·         Flaying
  • ·         Foot roasting
  • ·         Foot whipping (a.k.a. bastinado)
  • ·         Force-feeding
  • ·         Genital mutilation/forced circumcision
  • ·         Hamstringing
  • ·         Hypothermia (Cold Cell Torture)
  • ·         Impalement
  • ·         Jetliner position
  • ·         Kneecapping
  • ·         Keelhauling
  • ·         Mutilation
  • ·         Noise (see Sound entry)
  • ·         Oxygen deprivation
  • ·         Parrilla (torture)
  • ·         Pitchcapping
  • ·         Pressure points
  • ·         Rape
  • ·         Pliers
  • ·         Rat torture
  • ·         Riding the Rail
  • ·         Sexual assault
  • ·         Sawing
  • ·         Scalping
  • ·         Scaphism
  • ·         Shrimp tie / ebi-zeme
  • ·         Sleep deprivation
  • ·         Sensory overload
  • ·         Shinbone crusher
  • ·         Sound (extremely high volumes, dynamic range, low frequency, high pitched noise, intended to interfere with rest, cognition and concentration).
  • ·         Starvation
  • ·         Stoning
  • ·         Strappado/squassation (also known as "reverse hanging" and "Palestinian hanging")
  • ·         Stress positions
  • ·         Ta'liq hanging from a metal bar.
  • ·         Tarring and feathering
  • ·         Thumbscrew (torture)
  • ·         Tickle torture
  • ·         Tooth extraction
  • ·         Walling
  • ·         Water cure
  • ·         Waterboarding

You can also expect more sophisticated methods when contraptions are introduced
·         Boot
·         Brazen bull

·         Breaking wheel
·         Breast ripper

·         Catapelta
·         Choke pear

·         Cattle prod
·         Cold Air/Cold Water/Ice Water Showers/Ice Baths
·         Electroshock weapon
·         Instep borer
·         Iron chair
·         Iron Maiden
·         Kia quen / Tean zu

·         Mancuerda
·         Parrilla
·         Pau de Arara

·         Pendulum
·         Picana
·         Nectarine
·         Pillory
·         Rack
·         Rope
·         Scavenger's daughter

·         Scold's bridle
·         Stocks
·         Tablilla
·         Thumbscrew
·         Tongue Tearer
·         Tramp chair
·         Tucker telephone
·         Wooden horse

With the lovely introduction of modern medicine and anesthetics, there is no doubt they will be able to keep individuals alive for extended periods of time and invent other demented sorts of punishment. This is no one day torture takes you to the back for a bullet in a head. This is something that will go on weeks if not months.

But the truth of the matter is during the Tribulation period cannibalism will make an unwelcome return. As before. It is one thing if they kill you before they eat you. But a lot of people missed that day at school regarding animals already.
These are already downright disturbing. Makes the gas chambers look humane.

From eating monkeys

Eating a money by prying open its skull for the brain while it is still alive

Eating a donkey while it is still alive dismembering and cooking it in front of its own eyes

Do you really want to be here? There are already disturbingly large groups of people with too much money and time fantasizing about actually doing this.

This misconstrue this as Art and thinly veil the message.

Perhaps the best way to describe what will happen to all these people when the Great Tribulation hits is they will become literal Reavers. And you will be lucky if they torture, rape, then eat you in that specific order. So far we have only been talking about you as an individual. What about family. Children, wife, loved ones. You catch my drift.

The solution is to pre-stage "Bozrah" and to not be there when the hour of temptation arrives.

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