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Sunday, December 23, 2018

The Peoples as a Sea, and Allegory for our Time and other Musings

People are compared to water or more specifically the seas in the writings of the prophets. Ever wonder so?

Individuals are unpredictable. So are water molecules. It is chaotic. One moment it is here, then it is there.

However, when there is a group of water molecules there is water. Likewise, when there is a group of people that is large enough there are nations and tribes.

When there is enough water to form a large body of water such as a sea you can then predict the movement and behavior of such entities. Much of our modern travel infrastructure relies on accurate prediction of weather patterns and behaviors. Same can be said of human beings. In large enough groups behaviors can be predicted with near 100% accuracy.

Hence the people are compared to a sea for both are like one another.

This brings new life to the meaning of ancient pagan kings claiming to tame the waters. Or rather the celebration of baal’s victory of the sea. Perhaps it is a euphemism for the conquest of the free peoples and the subjection to unwanted authority!

1 Samuel 8:7 And the LORD told him: "Listen to all that the people are saying to you; it is not you they have rejected, but they have rejected me as their king.

The rejection of God as king is the acceptance of a human ruler to conquer and rule over and peoples.

Matthew 20:25 You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their superiors exercise authority over them. It shall not be this way among you.

With current events in mind what is the end of the movements tugging away at the seams of society. Metoo, red-pill, MGTOW, men's-rights, women’s rights, gun rights, and what not? The answer is for a pre-ordained solution.

There are powers who wish to create a crisis in the social contract so powerful it will yearn to return to an earlier one. An earlier one by which certain actors who do not have power now, will have power as they did in the past.

One example is Redpill ideology calls for a return to traditionalism. Growing elements of MGTOW are calling for the revocation of women’s rights. The reality is that these careless women have no power other than what is given to them. They alone are of no power. Only the possibility of loss for a man of power, money, or influence acts as their shield from an increasingly angry mob. The same power that can take away women’s rights, return traditionalism the restoration of “Christian civilization”, and restore order is the same one that can just as easily enslave men. In-fact the entire design was in such a way as to disarm the strength of nations, the men. Such was the aims behind the true powers of the suffrage movements which is willing to wait generations to achieve their aims.

What is this power? Looking at Europe the designers already want you to know. The EU flag of 12 stars is not of nations by of the Catholic Mary. The un-elected officials are the direct descendants of the Kings, Barons, and Nobles who yearn for the days before democracy. They call upon the common heritage of Charlemagne as the European emperor and defender of Christendom. They import migrants of the basest behavior to rile the peoples, to cause the people to trade their freedom for security. So that a church-state combine may re-emerge, and that with-it Catholicism and the Holy Roman Church State Combine shall come roaring back with new adherents and dispense with the garb of tolerance so thinly veiled by bloody history. A master plan to render the fractured church whole again so that the authority of the pope and the temporal emperor will be actualized one final time. To undo what Martin Luther had done so many centuries prior. Even unto then perhaps shall they reveal the Secret Societies and the Mystery Order, men of power to destroy them to appear as saviors of mankind. For who is like the Beast, who can make war with it? 

As it was, so shall it be again.

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