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Sunday, December 23, 2018

The Fundamental Differences between Nazarenes and Christians

The differences between the Nazarenes and the splinter group that eventually became Christianity has always been about Mosaic Law.

This difference has been around for over 1900 years as the progenitor of Christianity, Saul/Paul states in Galatians 3:6-10 For all who rely on works of the law are under a curse; for it is written, "Cursed be everyone who does not abide by all the things written in the Book of the Law, and do them." "Now it is evident that no one is justified before God by the law, for The righteous shall live by faith."

This stands in great contrast to Deuteronomy 4:8 where it is written "And what other nation is so great as to have such righteous decrees and laws as this body of laws I am setting before you today?" or another example in James 1:22 "Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like."

To better analyze this we must brainstorm the most common differences between these previously united but now separated groups.

The Nazarenes stand for the Mosaic Law and the Teachings of the Messiah which includes
-The Sabbath (off the Hebraic Solar/Lunar Calendar)
-Dietary Laws
-High Holy Days (off the Hebraic Solar/Lunar Calendar)
-Renouncing of Pagan customs and practices in the form of worship, holy days, and dress
-Observation of sexual restraint regarding blood relations (ban on incest, fornication "sex outside of marriage", and other forms of deviant behavior)
-Universal human decency
-No physical landmark or centralized location for worship i.e. church, synagogue; can be almost anywhere
-Controls on societal wealth accumulation through the Jubilee and debt cancellation every 7 years
-Ban on usury or interest
-Temple Practices (Distinction between what is Holy and Common)
-Acknowledgement of the Messiah in Immanuel who was murdered but rose as prophesied in Isaiah
-Renounces any hierarchy in religious gatherings or worship (no bishops, preachers, fathers ect)
-Yerusalem is the Holy city
-Only reckons the religious symbol in the menorah whose use is relegated strictly to flags or combat identification or a lamp

Christianity stands for syncretism
-Movement of Sabbath to Sunday or Saturday in honor of a merger between all Messiah figures in the Roman Empire.
-Reckons a fusion of "savior gods" in the form of jesus h. christ
-Roman/Pagan-European/Drudic Holy Days or Holidays in the form of Christmas/Saturnalia, Halloween, Easter, Valentines Day ect.
-Attendance of Church and the associated stratified hierarchy
-Professional clergy
-Sees the Law as a curse
-Does not observe dietary Laws
-Some see Rome/Vatican as the Holy city
-Adoption of the Cross from a combination of mistranslated scripture and beckoning of pagan sun worshipers.
-Cross not only as flag or combat identification but in other capacities

This by no means an exhaustive list but any honest observer can easily see an ocean of a difference.

The solphism of Christians leaders teaches those who do not want to live by Torah Law that the Law is a curse that will be done away with in the future. But the future is yet to come. The real question becomes what about the Law makes it a curse in the eyes of these men? Or rather what does the Law contain that causes them to declare it none the effect? After all sin is the transgression of the Law. If the Law is none the effect and all that is required was faith then what is sin?

This logic strongly mirrors cheating spouses or couples who claim their nefarious actions saved their relationship from boredom. Or that of an adulterous wife of a cuckolded spouse denied knowledge that he had no descendants but raised another man's child until his death bed, dying with full knowledge that his striving was for nothing.

However God is merciful. He is willing to let those who truly change their ways an opportunity to find life even when they have fallen to the utter depths of sin (Amalekites are however beyond saving). On another post we will discuss the Torah (why it is not a curse) and how God dispenses judgment.

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