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Friday, December 21, 2018

Off-topic Musings: The Impact of the Game and Red-Pill Ideology on meta culture and the Rise of Tyranny

Before we Start

Before we can talk about the effects of Game or Red-Pill on the male population we need to tackle the catalyst behind the redefinition of human relations. This catalyst is gay marriage. Legal benefits and economic benefits non-withstanding few gays even marry. The primary motive is the redefinition of marriage in mainstream society. Or in other words the real target is ordinary heterosexuals.

The red-pill world such as roosh-v and other individuals peddling esoteric methods of courting women for short term relations plays directly into the trap. It encourages a level of rampant promiscuity that is usually confined to individuals predisposed to homosexuality.
Unattached sexual encounters with no intention of reproduction is usually the purview of homosexual behavior. It is an act of mutual pleasure, masturbation with the simple goal of bodily pleasure.

Heterosexuality is generally defined as a permanent bonding of two individuals of the opposite genders for love which then leads to procreation. This contrasts to homosexual behavior which is promiscuous and concerned with sex for the sake of sex itself.

This then leads us to the current “red-pill” view on adultery and fornication which mirrors such behaviors. Men are encouraged to become “players” and have “plates (women)” which they spin and string along until they predictably fall over and break. Statistically gay couplings always cheat on one another and do not form unions that last. Considering this, what is the difference between homosexuals and heterosexuals in this current meta culture?

This trend magnifies 80/20 or heavily weighs mate seeking assessments upon looks

The 80/20 rule also plays into this because homosexual behavior primarily values physical appearances much more heavily than other considerations that in the past would supersede trifle thus locking an ever-larger group of interested men out of relationships. This also causes coping mechanisms in a rather large group of men that is called by some as “simping” due to the uneven power relations in the current social contract.


Eventually once such behaviors reach a critical mass it provokes a reaction. The metoo movement was a predictable event that is the unconscious sentiment of millions of broken plates seeking their pound of flesh on what they perceive to be a male induced problem as they reach ages where they can no longer find a mate (or lifestyle) that they believe they deserve. Instead they have been used by hundreds of men and nothing to show for it. They will most likely also die childless.

This combination of events causes males to disengage as much as possible from female interaction due to near assured legal consequences.

Back in the Army through the grape vine, some troops asked the local Afghan National Army recruits why they would have sex with other men but consider themselves entirely heterosexual. Their response in the med shed measured between outright denial (despite STDs) or a sophism that if they had no emotion connection it did not count. Our observation was that this was caused by the taboo of male female interactions. You can see what I am implying.

Self-Proclaimed Saviors

Perhaps the biggest or most vocal group of the bunch is MGTOW which is best described as a mass relationship strike by men. A relationship strike which on cursory observation is completely valid and long overdue considering atrocious marriage laws. However, these is reason to believe that these MGTOW are the same red-pill/PUA espousing individuals (“now out of business because of metoo”) who helped bring about the current crescendo of events. Given how most MGTOW tend to base their resumes of expertise from their experience from the multitude of women we probably already know. A far cry from the beautiful ones of the rat experiment. If they were not celibate or monogamous (actual nor serial monogamy), they are indeed part of the problem.

This is seen in the key wordplay of self-actualization. In and by itself it is a good thing. But towards what end. Are they seeking to return the system to one of high-traditionalism where sex out of marriage is high sanctioned? Back to the days where the permission of the father was sacred? Or are they yearning for a return to their youth of casual encounters at the expense of every other man out there?

After all the probability of divorce in females goes up with each partner and there are a finite number of women, and even lesser numbers of marriageable ones. A unicorn virgin for me sloppy seconds for you is the vibe I get from these individuals.

Perhaps a best allegory for the current manosphere is that of a livestock watering hole, with a few animals always relieving themselves in the common pool of water. Poisoning it for all who seek to drink. Claiming to have solution for the rest of the herd even while continuously contributing to the problem.

What will this lead to

A great majority of men particularly the ones coming of age being sandwiched by unequal marriage laws and the fallout of the metoo will likely grow more receptive towards cults of personality, radical movements, and tyrants. The thirst for revenge will grow to deafening levels. Macron and Merkel will have their empire. But of a king not of their choosing. A king that will give these disenfranchised men exactly what they want.

The Ones to Watch out For

Incels or involuntary celibates have gotten a bad rap. Despite their pitiful circumstances and their victim hood this reputation is well earned. They are more likely kill to achieve their aims. What they lack is an organization.

Let us be wise. How do you train vicious animals? Wolves, Dogs, Tigers, and Lions? You beat and starve them.

During the Inquisition the most malicious and elite of the Inquisition were these celibate soldiers who knew no bounds in human decency in torture as they performed heinous crimes. There was no method, no inconvenience that would deter them from their cause. Well trained, well-armed, well disciplined, and with a license to kill no individual or King how strong or mighty could stop these men. The crimes they committed out of a lust for flesh they cannot touch, pleasures they cannot partake drive them mad. As they descend deeper into their insanity so does their devotion to their cause leading to a fanaticism and love of death that supersedes any variation of Islamic extremism current seen unto date.

Incels are currently the butt of many jokes, but they are and have been a key ingredient to the application of state sponsored violence which many will learn of too late.

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