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Friday, December 21, 2018

The Kingdom of Heaven

-Behold, the days come, saith the Lord GOD, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the LORD- Amos 8:11 

Through the Ages Knowledge is Lost, Yet in this Hour what was once unknown is once again revealed.

As a concept the Kingdom of Heaven is many things to many individuals. Popular imagination it is another realm separated from the corporeal where strife, pain, and the striving of the physical realm are no more. To others it is a plane of existence where their physical desires during their lives are satiated in the form of women, comfort, and food. Yet it was not always so.

The Kingdom of Heaven is defined by the individuals that inhabit it and is not strictly a physical location. A place can have many meanings depending on time of day, activities in it thereof, and location. An example  would be that of a classroom. There is great difference between a classroom full of children at noon day compared to its use as a shelter full of dispossessed peoples from a natural disaster. 

The Kingdom of Heaven is the final union of the righteous from the beginning to the end. Their actions and sentiment define this new world. By conquering their desire to profit from the misfortune of their own flesh and blood is this possible.

The Kingdom of Heaven is the extinction of the instinct to dominate. To rule. To become great over a sea of peoples. It is the return to the original intention of humanity to exist as one individual extended family in contrast to warring factions of strangers.

This is a world that must be striven for at the individual level. Each must be accountable for their own behavior. 

Only then can a world where doors need not be locked. Treasures need not be guarded. One will no longer maintain vigilance over the thieves of the night, or marauders hungry for plunder.

Until that day the violent, strong, and haughty shall continue to act brazenly against the Kingdom preventing those who wish to go from going and killing those who dare rise against their orders.

-For The greatest among you will be your servant.- Matthew 23:11

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