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Monday, December 24, 2018

The Mass Psychology of Totalitarianism and The Nature of the Power of the Beast

As women are irrational to men. So are men to God. As Nazarenes we must understand it to properly understand the nature of the threat arrayed against us when the world begins to kill and purge the Saints.


There is a growing number of individuals who are attempting to get to the bottom of the growing instability of nations, states, societies around the world. Some have rightly identified the meta-culture as the culprit. This is expressed in the condemnation of large portions of European culture, Anglo/English culture, and other superstructures. But the truth is although they see the forest for the trees, they are not looking at the entire biome, thus are fated to recreate the same woes under a different name. Unless they can be educated.


We must dispense with the idea that there is a large fundamental difference between the basic psychology of a child and that of an adult outside of aggregated experiences and needs. Only then can we conceptualize how individuals that comprise the masses can identify with a ruler, king, president, fuhrer. This identification is grown from real and perceived powerlessness of the individual. This is rooted in a basic requirement for safety or a childish need for protection which is expressed in a form of feeling of solidarity with a “leader”.

By identifying with this “leader” this individual vicariously derives his confidence from this largely one-way association. Therefore, these individuals perceive themselves in the leader and imagines himself to be a defender of “race”, “national heritage”, or “faith”. A perception that strongly bleeds into reality by its influence on actions. Actions that manifest themselves in a debasing level of blind allegiance.

However, because the identify of the individual is now intertwined with the “leader” he now can no longer emotionally associate or relate to working masses, his fellow men, or women for now his he feels as he is the leader through the virtue of his work so critical for the survival of society. This is how mobilized individuals can so callously murder hundreds, thousands, millions even the women that he yearned to have for he is doing this for a “greater” good. Once they cross this event horizon no amount of penance by society to right what is wronged will save or deter these men for it is for the sake of self-destruction that he pursues this end by which only sweet death is the catharsis of his liberation.

Hence forth the reality is that dictators do not force themselves on society but capitalize on pre-existing ideas and tensions by which he only need to magnify to propel himself into power.
By extension no plausible economic incentive or calls to rational discourse is effective once this event horizon is crossed. For an individual now lost into the haze of authoritarianism is there out of a spiritual and emotional need. This “leader” is their idol, an object of adoration. Criticism of such is an attack on their own identities, ego, and of their god. An act of blasphemy.

The Nature of the Individual

Most social observers fail to see the dynamic truth that people are rarely ever solely of one political extreme. However, the common man is far from neutral. This is the ignorance of scholars and wise men in ivory towers who do not experience deprivations. The truth is the common man is always in a state of conflict. Contradictory things tug away at the seams of his mind, body, and soul. This goes beyond the false association or false consciousness as espoused by Marxist thinkers. These contradictions can be seen in the want for easy accepted widespread promiscuous sex yet virgin wives. Capitalism (oligarchy) in a democratic system. Religion as a culture guide stone, but not as a lodestar for political or moral behaviors.

This brings us back to the original assertion. As women are irrational to men, so are men to God. The social irresponsibility and lack of introspective foresight in the common man is manifested in his absorption in sexual conflict which fates he and his countrymen to tyranny.

The Catalyst for Authoritarianism

The truth of the matter is un-gratified sexuality in most human beings easily becomes rage. It nurtures most sadistic brutality and mystic feelings which intimacy is lacking. The historical precedent exists in the form of the inquisitors of the medieval church and Philip II the King of Spain.

The Inquisition, Fascism, Communism, mass movements of rebellion and revolution are to a large extent intrinsically rooted in the dynamics of the sex economy in a society. Or rather in the suppression of sex. In a system of relatively equal laws, men who have wives and more so those that also have children are not the harbingers of upheaval. Rather they are nearly always disenfranchised young men. Many political observers call these individuals reactionaries; stock primarily from lower-middle classes who teeter at the edge of falling into the abyss of obscurity in poverty. This thinking is incorrect. The lower middle class is the canary in the coal mine. They are the reflection of all of a given societies contradictions, vices, and virtues by the mechanism of being raised in a structure (mainstreamism) that is most strongly reinforced by teachers, parents, and peers.

Low status and of low wealth yet raised with greater aspirations they are passed over by their own women for others let them be more handsome specimens, foreigners, a playboy, or a wealthy rival. Symptoms of this discontent mirror the social observation of the marginalized in the participation in racial supremacy groups, social activist clubs, terrorist organizations, or any other communities by which they retreat. Hence the genesis of communism and fascism is not actually about the economy. Most men even those who consciously despise such notions yearn for a loyal beautiful woman to call their own. It is for this end that they throw themselves into such debasing labor and most grievous self-sacrifice to appeal! When it dawns upon them that this is an impossibility the threat of revolution is nearly guaranteed. Hence therefore capitalism (oligarchy) and democracy are mutually exclusive.

The un-enlightened observer would then state that the West is sexually free and uninhibited, such notions of sexual deprivation are impossible to men. That the sexually liberated woman is the key to combating such a plague. Yet the opposite is the truth. The meta culture is a contradiction between the expectation of men to observe “Christian” Chasity/honor and be a stallion of many dalliances. The symptom of this contradiction is what some call blue pill, white knighting, or beta behavior. Most women do not see most men attractive. When you introduce the social reality of the 80/20 rule which is magnified by economic conditions, 80% of the men are sexually deprived while only 20% of the men can attain actual intimacy. Hence the sexual revolution leads to totalitarianism due to the inherent power imbalance and inequalities between individuals. An inequality that monogamy was suppose to control but has been dispensed with in favor of polyandry in the new feminist mainstream.

It is for these same reasons for why migrant young men in Europe are so prone to Jihadism which is this same expression of totalitarianism.

Hook-Up apps like Tinder only accelerate this slide into tyranny by overloading women with choice. Hence forth an even smaller fraction of the 20% of top men are now able to easily access young desirable fertile women. This irrationality in women who will invariable be left old and childless with nothing to show for it is reflected in metoo movement which further alienates the original 80% of disenfranchised males. An alienation that occurs due to increasingly tyrannical laws that serve the court of public opinion rather than established truth. 

How This Relates to MGTOW and the INCEL movement

MGTOW is a perfectly rational and justified reaction to this crescendo of events but is more so a reaction than a spontaneous event. Human beings are foolish in such a regard. We often derive a false sense of strength by a process of sophism by saying we do not want something even when we covetously desire it intensely. The first thing that comes to mind is the feminist who desires a handsome strong man, so she can cease being a feminist, but that being an impossibility causes her to lash out against all men. Disenfranchised men are similar but lead to actual societal upheavals.
This is observed in the slow movement of the central fulcrum of the MGTOW movement towards the condemnation of sexual pleasure with a woman which stimulates and repulses him simultaneously. 

There is an inherent inability for him to resolve this conflict within himself for sexual needs, moralistic inhibitions, and want for intimacy. This is outwardly seen by their refutation of “perverse” unhealthy sexual behaviors with women in the form of no-nut/no-fap, sex dolls, over-glorification of masturbation for the purpose of deriving strength from weakness. A weakness that is not necessarily of their own fault. This coping eventually becomes elements of rites and dogma which transmute sexual feelings to mystical and religious connotations. Much like the delusion of a nun that she is the bride of “Christ” so too are men prone this same mechanism in the form of masochistic martyrdom.

The fact of the matter is this severe level of sexual conflict in the conscious and unconscious make rational thinking all but impossible and forces the man to constantly be on the defensive. When such an inwardly broken individual meets a charlatan who works by faith, mysticism, and rhetoric they are easily ensnared. The totalitarian predators of men work by manipulating the sexual and the libidinous, captivating the attention of the victim by offering alternative possibilities. Because this touches a man to the very core of his being it makes a greater impression on him than even mother and father. This allows him to briefly release the inner tension caused by the sexual contradictions of his society. What then happens is these conflicts are given a different form, different means of expression, a different way to “solve” them. Through blood fire, steel, and vengeance. Can anyone say the words columbine, Alex, sandy hook or such?

The Powers have Engineered this Crisis

The fact of the matter is power, money, and opportunities are becoming scarcer and scarcer even if population remained constant. With the importation of the migrant jobs become more difficult to find. These men rather than destroying the system that must be replaced, that being the western Christendom meta-system along side with any notions of socialism, communism, fascism, capitalism will submit to the leaders who caused all of this in a fit of mis-allocation of wrath towards the symptoms of their plight that being perhaps ethnics, the rich, or what not. Thus, the powerless become even more powerless. The powerful become more powerful. And why the Kings of this world must suffer eternity in the Lake of Fire. Nothing less is justice.

What does this mean for Nazarenes

As Nazarenes we must realize that we cannot save everyone. There will come a time where these men are too far gone and wounded to be given the Keys of David to save themselves. They seek revenge……for being born. We likewise suffer the way they do, but out of hope for a promise. A promise as immutable as gravity itself.
Woe to the Rulers, Kings who nurture this suffering for person gain. Woe to the Nicolatians for wounding the young men to restore the power of Pontiff Maximus and throne of Charlemagne. Woe to the adulteress and fornicators who live carelessly for their sins are before God and man. Mercy to the lost and dying may they find their way home to Zion.

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